wisdom teeth

They therefore become impacted , that is to say they remain blocked under the gums… This can lead to various pathologies in the latter and move the adjacent teeth.

Conversely, those who have managed to impose themselves completely are often malformed, and can develop infections of all kinds. We advise you to carry out an oral check-up with your dentist in order to proceed with the extraction of wisdom teeth .

What is a wisdom tooth?

Wisdom teeth are  the 3rd molars located at the back of the mouth, just behind the molars. Once useful for chewing, today they are disproportionate to the rest of the jaw.

These 4 teeth are the last to appear, usually around the age of 14, and can grow for up to 25 years. As they develop, they can cause a change in the positioning of the teeth, and cause certain infections.

Why should wisdom teeth be removed?

In most cases, the dental surgeon prefers to anticipate and extract the teeth before they have pierced the gums , in order to reduce the risk of inflammation, guarantee correctly aligned teeth and a balanced jaw.

Missing space

The practitioner can also decide to extract them following a radiological assessment . The latter offers him a global vision of the jaws, teeth and roots. He can thus judge if the wisdom tooth can come out without moving the adjacent teeth . If, conversely, this results in an overlap , he will therefore have to proceed with the extraction of their germ . It is an operation that will be done during adolescence in order to avoid possible complications during orthodontic treatment .

Oral infections

It is possible to live with your wisdom teeth , if the latter has managed to grow correctly, and to place itself without overlapping the others. However, depending on their location in the jaw, they can be prone to cavities; dental plaque will nestle in unreachable corners and lead to the development of bacteria. In this kind of situation, it is the wisdom tooth and the adjacent tooth that will be affected by the cavity . Your dental surgeon will therefore intervene and remove the wisdom tooth damaged by decay . A wisdom tooth that does not fully come out can lead to inflammation . The so-called impacted tooth

can promote the development of a cyst, and be dangerous for the alveolar bone. It also happens that it is partially covered by the gum . It then becomes an ideal place for food debris and bacteria. In this case, we speak of inflammation, and of pericoronitis, with the appearance of various symptoms such as swollen gums, intense pain in the area of ​​the wisdom tooth, inability to eat, and pain when opening the blocked. In this case, your dental surgeon will remove the part of the gum covering the tooth , clean and manage the inflammation .

The dentist may have to break the tooth in order to remove it piece by piece . It is possible that its root is twisted for lack of space , and therefore more complicated to pull out.

How to extract a wisdom tooth?

It takes place over one or two sessions – depending on the number of teeth to be extracted, under local anesthesia. The dental surgeon will begin with an oral check-up, and additional examinations to visualize the position of the tooth. After examining all of your teeth, the dental surgeon will first clear the tooth, clean the socket , disinfect the area and finally close it with stitches . There are two types of sutures: those that go away on their own and those that have to be removed by the dentist.

Following the extraction, you may feel discomfort and some bleeding. Nothing serious, but if it persists do not esitate to contact your dental surgeon, who will provide you with the necessary solutions.

Healing may take some time. Swelling in the cheeks will occur following the intervention. We advise you to place ice on the extraction area. It is preferable to favor liquid foods to promote healing and prevent residues from infiltrating the treated area.

Even if you have to have your wisdom teeth removed, this should in no way affect your oral hygiene, quite the contrary! The extraction of wisdom teeth is a procedure that should in no way change your habits. Indeed, your teeth remain fragile and must be treated and maintained with care in order to keep them in good health for as long as possible. It is therefore important to take care of your teeth and gums . We advise you to wash them carefully several times a day using a brush and fluoridated toothpaste. You can also supplement with a mouthwash or dental floss which will remove the residue.

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