adopt to be healthy

In the dictionary, a habit is said to be “behaviours created in someone by repeated action”.

Indeed, whatever actions are taken to maintain one’s health, it is in the repetition of these that lies the key to success. Running a half marathon once a year will give you an endorphin boost, at best, or a new sore, at worst. On the other hand, 30 minutes of walking or jogging, several times a week, year-round, will certainly do wonders for your quality of life and your health.

In short, to help you improve your physical and mental health one day at a time, we offer 20 healthy habits. Ideally, pick just one, then wait until it’s firmly established in your routine before adding another!


As soon as you can. To go to the grocery store or the office, to get some fresh air at lunchtime or to visit a city. Walk. The recommended minimum number of steps is 10,000 per day. It’s not little, but every minute of walking counts and brings you closer to the goal. It’s like a game!

Get up regularly

In North America, prolonged inactivity is just as, if not more, a problem than lack of exercise. Sitting for long hours at a time compromises the body’s ability to use its fats and sugars, which poses several health risks. Fortunately, the solution is very simple: interrupt the inactivity as often as possible by getting up regularly. Go to your co-worker’s desk, talk on the phone standing up, or use the stairs. All the excuses are good to break the daily inactivity!

Play outside

Getting some fresh air every day is one of the easiest and most enjoyable things you can do to improve your health. Recent studies have shown that exposure to daylight has significantly positive effects on health In addition, spending time outdoors helps with stress management.

stand up straight

Set yourself regular reminders (alarms or notes) so you don’t forget to straighten up! Bring your neck and pelvis back to neutral, then pull your shoulder blades back to open your chest. Having a good posture allows each muscle to work properly and reduces the pressure on the joints. In the long term, this will decrease your risk of developing back pain, and in the short term, you will feel more confident, energized and breathe better

Use your muscles

Whether it is to counter age-related loss of muscle mass, to prevent osteoporosis or back pain or simply to acilitate the performance of all activities, we all have an interest in maintaining our muscles by using them as often as possible. Taking the stairs, hiking in the mountains, adding some push ups or a yoga class to your day are just a few ways to get there!


By incorporating one or two stretches into your daily routine, you will improve your range of motion in the joints, thus reducing your chances of injury during a false movement. What’s more, you’ll get an instant energy boost from the influx of oxygenated blood sent to your muscles and brain.

Move with friends

It’s a two-in-one: it’s fun and motivating. Indeed, motivating others is one of the best ways to motivate yourself. Then, by moving with friends, you will associate being active with a feeling of pleasure, which will encourage you to repeat it regularly!

Eat in good company

Step away from screens and take a moment to connect with real humans. This will give you time to put your fork down when you are satisfied, but not too full.

Fill half the plate with vegetables and fruit

Many of us are aware of this recommendation, but a lot less apply it. When making your menu, think of salads, soups, soups, raw vegetables, gratins, purees and stir-fries or fresh fruit, smoothies and compotes. Nutritious, low in calories and inexpensive, plants should be the predominant elements of a healthy diet!

Follow your hunger and satiety cues

How much food should you eat daily? The answer to this question varies greatly depending on your weight, gender, age and level of physical activity. That said, a good way to ensure that we eat just enough to meet our needs is to simply listen to your hunger. When our stomach growls, we eat. When we are satisfied, we stop. Even if there is food left on our plate. Even if we are offered a second helping.

Vary your food

By adding variety to our menu, we enjoy the unique benefits of a wide range of ingredients. We can, for example, make a change from wheat toast at breakfast by trying an overnight oatmeal made from oats or even add several vegetables of different colors to our grocery basket.

As we need all our concentration and energy during the day, it is desirable to eat a sustaining breakfast, a medium lunch and a light supper. Thus, you go to bed more comfortable and you wake up feeling a bit peckish, just enough to… start again!

Drink water

Water is essential to be well hydrated and avoid unnecessary headaches, fatigue and difficulty concentrating. Carry a reusable bottle with you and leave it in plain sight so you can remember to take sips often.

By admin

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