Angel Dust Abuse Risks

Phencyclidine is a dissociative substance also referred to as PCP or angel dust. Only a few years after it was initially offered as an anesthetic, in 1965, it was withdrawn from the market because of its potent dissociative and hallucinogenic effects. In the 1960s and 1970s, it became a popular recreational drug, but by 1990, it had disappeared from the news. According to the Drug Abuse Warning Network, from 2005 to 2011, there was a 500% increase in the number of adults aged 25 to 34 who used PCP.

It belongs to the group of dissociative anesthetics and is categorized as a Category II medication in the US. It is linked to compulsive use since it is an addictive chemical. One of the most hazardous street narcotics is PCP. Just likeĀ alcohol withdrawal, it should also be taken very seriously. PCP is extremely harmful even after one usage due to its potency. PCP use can lead to a variety of negative outcomes, including sudden death, imprisonment, and prolonged, painful death. PCP was formerly referred to be “public enemy number 1” due to its riskiness.

Names of streets in PCP

Phencyclidine is abbreviated as PCP. People frequently refer to PCP by several different street names. Some of the more popular street names are given here: Dust, Ozone, Hog, PeaCe Pills, Rocket Fuel, and Angel Dust.

Consequences of PCP & Angel Dust

PCP has a reputation for endowing users with superhuman strength and speed, but this is just untrue. The only delusion that the medication can produce is one in which the user thinks they are unstoppable despite not being so. Some users of PCP experience excessive energy. These people might speak quickly, move incessantly, and twitch their muscles. PCP sedates and induces a trance-like state in other persons.

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